Friday, April 8, 2011

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Analysis of a Symbol

Emma appears only as glimpses during most of Stephen’s young life, and he never gets to know her as a person. To Stephen, Emma defines one end of a spectrum of femininity. He seems to apprehend only the extremes of this spectrum. For him, women are either pure, reserved and unapproachable, or poisoned, sexual and ordinary, like the prostitutes he visits in Belvedere. Instead, she becomes a symbol of pure love, untainted by sexuality or veracity. When he goes through his fervently religious phase, he imagines his reward for his piety as a union with Emma in heaven. At the university, we finally see a real conversation characterizing Emma as a real, friendly, and ordinary girl, but certainly not the goddess Stephen earlier makes her out to be. This more balanced view of Emma mirrors Stephen’s abandonment of the extremes of complete sin and devotion in favor of a happy medium, the loyalty to the admiration of beauty.

Analysis of a Scene

      --It is a curious thing, do you know, Cranly said dispassionately, how your mind is supersaturated with the religion in which you say you disbelieve. Did you believe in it when you were at school? I bet you did. 
      --I did, Stephen answered. 
      --And were you happier then? Cranly asked softly, happier than you are now, for instance?
      --Often happy Stephen said, and often unhappy. I was someone else then.
      --How someone else? What do you mean by that statement?
      --I mean, said Stephen, that I was not myself as I am now, as I had to become. (section 5, page 261)

The declaration that Stephen’s transformation was necessary indicates that perhaps the person he is now is who he was somehow destined to be all along.  The most interesting things to look at, in Portrait of an Artist, are the moments that catalyze Stephen Dedalus in his transformation from child to artist. In five chapters, we're taken through Stephen's early childhood in Ireland and confinement at boarding school, his dalliances with theater and hiring prostitutes, his retreat from sensory excess into religious devotion, his retreat from religious devotion into aesthetic, and, ultimately, his retreat from Ireland and fellowship in favor of destiny. 

This quick snippet from the final pages of Joyce’s novel, finally give way to Stephen’s epiphany, his realization and happiness with his life and where he is headed. Religion was a constant pressure on Stephen, influenced by his parents’ wishes or those of the priest. Throughout this novel, Stephen was struggling to find himself, becoming an individual. From the readers perspective, this passage is an exciting one because after experiencing Stephen’s hardships, we can finally be proud of him; overcoming the oppression of his parents, his peers, and his society.


WOW—how do I even describe how I feel? Most of my classmates complained of the complexity and stream of conscientiousness writing style that James Joyce used. Now I am not going to say it was easy, but I will say that I actually loved the language of this novel. The detail work that went into his imagery was astounding. My favorite part is the emotions that I as a reader felt, while experiencing Stephen’s life. For example, the sermon scene legitimately had me scared… Being an Irish Roman Catholic myself, it was hard not to be on the same level as Stephen. I could feel his anxiety and stress and fear and desire to save himself from this horrific ending. Having words on a page do this to me only excites me to read more. 

Often in class it was mentioned that A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man had no defined plot, but i completely disagree. We can safely assume that Stephen's life parallels to that of James Joyce's. He wrote the experiences in his life that shaped him into the artist and man he is today. It was a long and gradual transformation, but it played out beautifully. I loved how previous emotions, actions and learning experiences, influenced the next steps to this novel. Finally equating to our final product, Stephen or James as a incredibly gifted artist. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Woman Work

By: Maya Angelou
#200 pg 271

I've got the children to tend
The clothes to mend
The floor to mop
The food to shop
Then the chicken to fry
The baby to dry
I got company to feed
The garden to weed
I've got shirts to press
The tots to dress
The cane to be cut
I gotta clean up this hut
Then see about the sick
And the cotton to pick.
Shine on me, sunshine
Rain on me, rain
Fall softly, dewdrops
And cool my brow again.

Storm, blow me from here
With your fiercest wind
Let me float across the sky
'Til I can rest again.
Fall gently, snowflakes
Cover me with white
Cold icy kisses and
Let me rest tonight.
Sun, rain, curving sky
Mountain, oceans, leaf and stone
Star shine, moon glow
You're all that I can call my own. 

Maya Angelou sets up the poem using five stanzas; the first has an end rhyme of AABBCCDD, ect. She recites a list of her everyday duties, and the flow of the end rhyme adds to the predictable structure and repetition of this woman’s life. Her life is monotonous with no indication of happiness, joy or fulfillment. The structure of the poem is reflective of the freedom she longs for. This strict structure in the first stanza with end rhyme, also being enhanced with short abrupt lines or (duties) shows the confinement and restriction of this woman; who we can see is a slave by the jobs she must accomplish. Tending to the fields of cotton and sugar cane, the lack of emotion put into the caring for the sick; there is no personal recognition of family that she is doing these things for. Also a big give away is her living in a hut. This cycle is broken in the next four stanzas where she longs for freedom through free verse of thought.
            The rhythm in the first stanza signifies a negative attitude towards work, although the next four stanzas portray an optimistic image. It too is separated into two parts. This first stanza presents a woman pictured as hard working, robust with strength and endurance, yet with little time to rest. She is up to her elbows in dirt, children, food and work. Though the complexity of the lines is simple and abrupt, it clearly paints a busy, sweaty, tough woman. Being able to see this image in your mind now brings emotion. Sadness and sympathy comes to mind. We can feel her unhappiness and stress through this busy image. The pace is once slowed down, so that a greater contrast can be made between stanzas, where the imagery is much more gentle, suggesting that nature is being benevolent towards the woman. Angelou used natural imagery to describe the woman's relationship with nature. In this poem, however, nature is benevolent towards the woman and does not antagonize her. Gentle imagery is used to describe the woman floating during the storm and resting in nature's arms. Nature is described in that way, as it is the only escape from the woman's daily routine. This expresses a vast amount of pessimism towards work, but some optimism towards her life as well.

            At first glance, the title of the poem reminded me of our many controversial arguments in class about the place of a woman in society. But while reading the five short stanzas, I realized it was no longer just speaking of a woman; it was referring to the life of a black woman slave. Like many slavery poems, this one spoke of the troubles they faced and the freedom they prayed for. But this one caught my eye because it creatively spoke of freedom through peace of nature. It swiftly shifted from the routine of a slave to the progression of seasons. Not only did this woman want freedom, but she felt the only way to obtain it was through death. “Let me float across the sky ‘til I can rest again.” She is asking, she is pleading to Mother Nature or to God to release her like a bird from its cage. “Fall gently, snowflakes cover me with white cold icy kisses and let me rest tonight.” Winter usually brings death, and Maya personifies winter snow to give this woman kisses, a peaceful death. Finally the last stanza reveals no matter how hard you try to take things away from her, like her freedom, you cannot take away what doesn’t belong to you. She can still enjoy the sun and rain on her face, the beautiful pleasures of mountains and unending sky. Its beautiful rhythm adds a final pick-me-up leaving me with a combination of hope and sympathy for this working woman. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

281. The Death of a Soldier

Wallace Stevens

Pg. 334



“The Death of a Soldier” is expectedly very down to earth and honest in the way that a fallen soldier’s life can end in the large picture of things, not mean a whole lot. The opening stanza, “Life contracts and death is expected, as in a season of autumn. The soldier falls,” goes along in the belief that soldiers are expected to and will give up their lives for whatever they may be fighting for. Stevens compares this thought with the autumn season. This season is unlike any of the others because it is the end of the time that most people enjoy, the warm weather and fully grown trees, etc. Autumn is plant life dies as all the leaves fall to the ground and the bitterly windy and cold weather is rushed in. The loss of life during war and troublesome times can be compared with the loss of mother nature during the autumn season. Also using a soldier’s death as simple in comparison to the falling of leaves shows how expected and it’s so normally thought of. 

            “He does not become a three-days personage, imposing his separation, calling for pomp.” This strictly alludes to the resurrection of Christ after three days. Christians during Easter, use this time to celebrate and rejoice. A fallen soldier has someone who isn’t looking or won’t receive the celebration or fame from society. A soldier isn’t someone who is looking to single himself out from the rest of the army. Stevens writes this to show how simplistic the death of a solider is when compared equally to the season of autumn. 

            In the last two stanzas, Stevens uses imagery to paint a clear picture letting you think of a windless sky with all the clouds moving in one direction. And like a soldiers death won’t make any large impact, neither does the wind stopping in the middle of autumn when the clouds will continue to move without trouble. Death is absolute just like the changing of seasons.


            Stevens is making quite a big statement in the poem. I can see his argument on behalf of the Unknown Soldier. Is it too much for all of us to expect some sort of recognition of our lives when we die? After analyzing the meaning of the death of this soldier, I continuously thought of the little recognition we give to our soldiers who have given their lives in this current war. Yes, we celebrate Veterans Day, and yes, many do pray for the families who have lost loved ones. But we watch the television everyday on the side lines to this war today, and rarely to never are the lives that were given up for our country praised. The media doesn’t report the news, it reports gossip. Who cares how many times Lindsey Lohan has been in rehab or how many mistresses Tiger Woods had? Wallace Stevens’s poem reminds of my disappointment in this country’s moral compass.